Data Privacy: Helping customers to feel safe online

There is a lot going on about Data Privacy these days. Scandals are bringing the subject to the attention of everybody, and consumers don't need to know a lot about data to start to get worry about their own information out there.

As someone passionate for Digital Marketing, and also a student of the IMC Master's Program at Northwestern, I was curious to see how we are communicating with consumers, to make sure they know what they actually need to worry about. On this search, I found 2 great articles communicating with customers that worth to be shared.

The first one is "Top 5 Concerns to focus on for Data Privacy Day", from Tony Bradley. Based on a recent survey from McAfee, this article brings the main customer's difficulties with Data Privacy, which companies need to be aware to help them feel safer while navigating, filling forms and others online interactions.
These are basic issues that can easily be addressed, like remembering customers to change default passwords, but can make customer's data much safer than it is today.


The second article is "How will GDPR - the new data protection law - affect you?". This article was just published, and talks about the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR),  and how it will impact customers in Europe.
One of the examples in the article is that the companies have to make their privacy policies clearer for users. This is the reason why customers may be getting so many emails recently from websites talking about their privacy policy and what is changing. 

All of this is a lot for consumers - especially if you think about somebody that has no idea what actually means Big Data, or anything related to it. Companies have the responsibility of making customers feel safer, providing all information they need about the topic, in an uncomplicated way. 

Here are some tips to help customers feel safe again when navigating on the internet:

     Discover customers concerns: Data Privacy is big now and everybody is worrying about it. Find out what are the basics that your customers should care about.

     Secure users data: You have all data you need. Just make sure nobody else have it.

     Change the game: Start an open conversation with your customer. Explain why you need this data, what you do with that and how you are making sure it is safe. 

Mariane Faria(@Mari_pfaria)is passionate about Digital Marketing and its unlimited reach. Originally from Brazil, she just moved from Michigan to Richmond, VA, where she is exploring new opportunities to keep working with Digital Marketing and Social Media. She will conclude her Master's Degree in Integrated Marketing Communication in 2019 at Northwestern University.
